So I had a little catching up to do again today: Fri, Sat, and today's sections. But I enjoyed sitting down and reading them this morning, and I really do like hearing about all these stories. Here's a couple of observations:
1. So God sent Moses off to do this job but was going to kill him. Kill him. That doesn't make sense to me. I know the God of the OT was vengeful and easy to anger but still - if Moses was supposed to do this job, I don't get it, not at all.
2. Did anyone else think Psalm 22 sounded like Jesus speaking even though it was the song of David? Especially at the end, with the crucifixion references, the casting lots for clothing, etc. To look at it as literature, it's definitely foreshadowing but I wonder if God meant us to make the connection to Jesus, and then if so, why was it a song of David? Hmmm....
3. God gave Moses ways to prove his godliness. Do you think that ever happens today, that God gives people ways to prove their faith. He says He is the one who controls the deaf, the mute, etc. So is He causing much of what happens in our world to make people believe? Just something I was thinking about.
I hope everyone has a fabulous Sunday! I love you all.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Jacob or Israel????
During our reading last week Jacob's name was changed to Israel. As we have seen this happens a lot in the Bible. During our reading the last few days Jacob/Israel has been called by both names in the same sentence several times. I don't remember this happening before. When the name was changed the person is from then on referred by their new name or "formally known as" . This happens often with the disciples. Do any of you have any insight on this? Jeff and I thought we had it figured out but we proven wrong later in the passage.
Why are the shepherds detestable to the Egyptians? I am going to have to look that one up. If you can help me out that would be great. I sure wish I had Chuck to ask. I may give him a call tomorrow. Of course Jeff and I had a bit of a giggle about Jesus feeding the 5,000 men "besides the women and children". I am so glad that God decided to bring me into this day and age. I can't even imagine what women and children went through at that time.
Why are the shepherds detestable to the Egyptians? I am going to have to look that one up. If you can help me out that would be great. I sure wish I had Chuck to ask. I may give him a call tomorrow. Of course Jeff and I had a bit of a giggle about Jesus feeding the 5,000 men "besides the women and children". I am so glad that God decided to bring me into this day and age. I can't even imagine what women and children went through at that time.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
What we think
So I have figured out how to post but not how to comment. Oh well. Jeff and I were discussing Sarah's questions about Jacob and Herodias.
We believe that when Joseph went to Egypt he adopted their language. When his brothers came to him for help to hide his identity he used the interpreter so they would not put 2 and 2 together and so they would talk freely around him.
As for Herodias, Herod was sleeping with her and she was his brothers wife. John the Baptist told Herod "It is not lawful for you to have her" and Herodias didn't like that so when Herod gave Heordias's daughter anything she asked for after she had danced for Herod her mother " Herodias" told her to ask for John the Baptist's "head on a platter" So Herod was able to get rid of John like he had wanted to because he was upholding a promise. I hope this makes sense.
We are still plugging along. Jacobs story is one of my favorites. I couldn't stop reading. Jeff and Christy told me they had enough and I had to wait until tomorrow to finish. Hope you all are having as good a time as we are.
We believe that when Joseph went to Egypt he adopted their language. When his brothers came to him for help to hide his identity he used the interpreter so they would not put 2 and 2 together and so they would talk freely around him.
As for Herodias, Herod was sleeping with her and she was his brothers wife. John the Baptist told Herod "It is not lawful for you to have her" and Herodias didn't like that so when Herod gave Heordias's daughter anything she asked for after she had danced for Herod her mother " Herodias" told her to ask for John the Baptist's "head on a platter" So Herod was able to get rid of John like he had wanted to because he was upholding a promise. I hope this makes sense.
We are still plugging along. Jacobs story is one of my favorites. I couldn't stop reading. Jeff and Christy told me they had enough and I had to wait until tomorrow to finish. Hope you all are having as good a time as we are.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Does anyone know?
As I was reading I came across several things that didn't make sense to me today - maybe some of you can help me to understand...
1. When Joseph's brothers were in Egypt they were talking to each other and it says "They did not realize that Joseph could understand them, since he was using an interpreter." - At this point did they all speak different languages? Because he'd been talking to them before just fine. Also, I am still finding it hard to believe they didn't recognize their own brother!!!
2. Who exactly is the daughter of Herodias and why did she even want the head of John the Baptist? I feel like I should know this but I don't...And why did she take it to her mother? Not something I'd be proud to show off.
If anyone has any insight, please let me know:-)
~ Sarah
1. When Joseph's brothers were in Egypt they were talking to each other and it says "They did not realize that Joseph could understand them, since he was using an interpreter." - At this point did they all speak different languages? Because he'd been talking to them before just fine. Also, I am still finding it hard to believe they didn't recognize their own brother!!!
2. Who exactly is the daughter of Herodias and why did she even want the head of John the Baptist? I feel like I should know this but I don't...And why did she take it to her mother? Not something I'd be proud to show off.
If anyone has any insight, please let me know:-)
~ Sarah
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I'm intrigued
So I was a little behind when I picked up my Bible this morning - 2 days behind to be exact. Friday night came and went and I fell asleep early. Yesterday I was just being lazy. But I thought Sunday morning was the perfect time to catch up. And catch up I did. I have to say I am really into the Old Testament right now. I am liking the Joseph story, rereading it and wondering what will happen next.
At first I was like poor Joseph. He was sold by his brothers and then imprisoned but wait - he's now in a position of power next to the Pharaoh! And now he's being a jerk to his brothers, imprisoning them. I can't wait to see what happens. But I am pretty sure he's following that OT law that says "An eye for an eye" and I am glad I'm reading the New Testament too, to be reminded that that's not how things are any more. Jesus doesn't preach that. In fact, Jesus is the opposite. Jesus is love. And I like how the Psalms and the Proverbs are in between the two - telling us about God's vengeance but also his love and protection and caring.
I think part of the reason I really enjoyed my reading today is that I took the time, I was relaxed and it wasn't 10pm after a 17 hour day. I'm going to work on reading earlier in the day from now on.
~ Sarah
At first I was like poor Joseph. He was sold by his brothers and then imprisoned but wait - he's now in a position of power next to the Pharaoh! And now he's being a jerk to his brothers, imprisoning them. I can't wait to see what happens. But I am pretty sure he's following that OT law that says "An eye for an eye" and I am glad I'm reading the New Testament too, to be reminded that that's not how things are any more. Jesus doesn't preach that. In fact, Jesus is the opposite. Jesus is love. And I like how the Psalms and the Proverbs are in between the two - telling us about God's vengeance but also his love and protection and caring.
I think part of the reason I really enjoyed my reading today is that I took the time, I was relaxed and it wasn't 10pm after a 17 hour day. I'm going to work on reading earlier in the day from now on.
~ Sarah
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Oh my.....confession time. I have already fallen off the wagon. A week of sick kids and a sick momma has rendered me useless in the evenings, and most of the day time, too. I have missed several readings this week. Nyquil will do that ot a girl. AND it messed up my dreams something fierce!
Just wanted to 'fess up.
I am going to jump back in tonight. Not try to catch up, but get back into it.
Thought you should know-
Just wanted to 'fess up.
I am going to jump back in tonight. Not try to catch up, but get back into it.
Thought you should know-
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Are we not finished?
In yesterday's reading Matthew 10:23, it says "you will not finish going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes" What does this mean to you? Are we still making our way through Israel? Are we " the new disciples" still in the process of spreading the news while we wait for the Son of Man to return for us? Just wondering what this passage means to you. The other great part of yesterday's reading was that wisdom is refered to as feminine. That does not happen often in the Bible. Look at how many sons Jacob's wives bore him before there was a mention of a daughter.
Our reading is a day behind but we are doing pretty well. We are reading at the table when we finish dinner. I read out loud and then we have a discussion on the reading. I can see some doubling in the future with the schedule we keep, but that is fine with us. I love all the comments keep it up guys.
Thanks Sarah for helping me get to the right spot.
Our reading is a day behind but we are doing pretty well. We are reading at the table when we finish dinner. I read out loud and then we have a discussion on the reading. I can see some doubling in the future with the schedule we keep, but that is fine with us. I love all the comments keep it up guys.
Thanks Sarah for helping me get to the right spot.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
So much detail
So this was day 10 of reading the Bible and even though I was super sleepy tonight (check out my other blog for the lowdown), I cracked it open and read my passages. And I got to wondering. Why so much detail? I mean SO MUCH!
What are we supposed to glean from the amount of money that was paid for a burial site or who is related to who and how? I know it's all for a purpose but I feel a little like when I was studying for the GRE and it came to the math section - it's very hard for me to grasp parts of it. But still, it's interesting. I like the fact that I am reading stories and I get to pick up a little more of the plot each night. I also like the mixing of old testament and new so that I get some of the harsher stuff (i.e., pillar of salt, killing of who groups) and the good stuff (i.e., Jesus healing people).
How's it going for everyone else? I am the only one struggling to read at night when I am ready to bed and wishing I really could get up earlier but have not yet succeeded?
~ Sarah
What are we supposed to glean from the amount of money that was paid for a burial site or who is related to who and how? I know it's all for a purpose but I feel a little like when I was studying for the GRE and it came to the math section - it's very hard for me to grasp parts of it. But still, it's interesting. I like the fact that I am reading stories and I get to pick up a little more of the plot each night. I also like the mixing of old testament and new so that I get some of the harsher stuff (i.e., pillar of salt, killing of who groups) and the good stuff (i.e., Jesus healing people).
How's it going for everyone else? I am the only one struggling to read at night when I am ready to bed and wishing I really could get up earlier but have not yet succeeded?
~ Sarah
Sunday, January 6, 2008
"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." - Matthew 5:48
God knows that we are imperfect creatures, He did create us after all. And yet he gives us this command: Be perfect. That's a pretty tall order. I know I try and try but I am never perfect and I never expect to be. Yet that's what God wants from me. What do you all think about this?
~ Sarah
God knows that we are imperfect creatures, He did create us after all. And yet he gives us this command: Be perfect. That's a pretty tall order. I know I try and try but I am never perfect and I never expect to be. Yet that's what God wants from me. What do you all think about this?
~ Sarah
Saturday, January 5, 2008
I looked this word up in the dictionary this afternoon after I finished my reading (I decided I need to read earlier in the day - hopefully in the mornings because I had to go back and reread yesterday's today as I didn't have a clue about these rainbows! I think I fell asleep last night when Ang was reading aloud). Righteous was mentioned several times in different passages for today so I wanted to know more about the word.
It means acting in a just, upright manner; doing what is right; virtuous; fair. For some reason I think the term righteous has a negative connotation in our language. If someone is righteous they're considered too smart for their own good or up on their high horse but that's not what the word really means. God wants us to be righteous - to do what is right.
I am going to work on that this year, doing what is right. I remember when I was in high school we had a poster in our youth room that said something along the lines of what is right isn't always popular. I think this holds truth today. But I'm gonna try...
~ Sarah
It means acting in a just, upright manner; doing what is right; virtuous; fair. For some reason I think the term righteous has a negative connotation in our language. If someone is righteous they're considered too smart for their own good or up on their high horse but that's not what the word really means. God wants us to be righteous - to do what is right.
I am going to work on that this year, doing what is right. I remember when I was in high school we had a poster in our youth room that said something along the lines of what is right isn't always popular. I think this holds truth today. But I'm gonna try...
~ Sarah
I was going to post a comment on Angela's post, but decided it might be rather lengthy, so I'll just do my own.
I read days 1-3 in their entirety. Then yesterday I was talking with a friend about this project and realized I honestly could remember very little about what I had read the past three days. There is a lot of Bible in each day's assignment. I read in the back where it gave some variations to the schedule and after talking with my friend, praying some and talking to my husband I have decided to read the Old Testament selections each day(not Psalms and Proverbs). I am hoping to really dig into the Old Testament and glean new knowledge....yeah, who knew about the SEVEN of every clean animal? I need to get a commentary because I really don't understand the story about Noah getting drunk, then cursing his grandson when his son made fun of him.....any ideas out there?
As I got into bed last night to read Friday's chapters my #1 and #2 came and got into bed with us. Generally we don't allow it, but for some reason we couldn't resist their charms last night. And then I just started reading aloud. I read all the way to the rainbow part. It was pretty incredible, laying in bed with most of my family and reading the Word.
Thank you again, Sarah, for spearheading this!
I read days 1-3 in their entirety. Then yesterday I was talking with a friend about this project and realized I honestly could remember very little about what I had read the past three days. There is a lot of Bible in each day's assignment. I read in the back where it gave some variations to the schedule and after talking with my friend, praying some and talking to my husband I have decided to read the Old Testament selections each day(not Psalms and Proverbs). I am hoping to really dig into the Old Testament and glean new knowledge....yeah, who knew about the SEVEN of every clean animal? I need to get a commentary because I really don't understand the story about Noah getting drunk, then cursing his grandson when his son made fun of him.....any ideas out there?
As I got into bed last night to read Friday's chapters my #1 and #2 came and got into bed with us. Generally we don't allow it, but for some reason we couldn't resist their charms last night. And then I just started reading aloud. I read all the way to the rainbow part. It was pretty incredible, laying in bed with most of my family and reading the Word.
Thank you again, Sarah, for spearheading this!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Rainbows and Me
When I first started this "project" of reading the Bible in one year, I was doubtful of my own ability to see it through. I have a tendency to have a short attention span when it comes to almost everything that takes longer than a week to complete. But I am in it for the duration!
The first few readings of Genesis have been difficult for me. I don't know if anyone else is having that problem but I tend to skim over parts of it because of all the names and crazy places and things that don't seem to have anything to do with me. I was thinking earlier, why do we read this really old stuff. It doesn't really pertain to me but then as always God opened my eyes and showed me that it does pertain to me. I was reading about Noah, (a story I have heard dozens of times throughout my life) but it has taken on mew meaning. First, there were more than 2 of each clean animal on the Ark??? Was this news to anyone else???
But the part that I hadn't got before was the rainbows. Tonight God explained to me why there are rainbows. Not the scientific reason - which I vaguely remember from college, but the real reason. The reason he created them for us. As a reminder of the new covenant he made not to destroy the Earth with the floods again. I don't know about you but I found this comforting and I will never see a rainbow the same way again.
~ Angela

The first few readings of Genesis have been difficult for me. I don't know if anyone else is having that problem but I tend to skim over parts of it because of all the names and crazy places and things that don't seem to have anything to do with me. I was thinking earlier, why do we read this really old stuff. It doesn't really pertain to me but then as always God opened my eyes and showed me that it does pertain to me. I was reading about Noah, (a story I have heard dozens of times throughout my life) but it has taken on mew meaning. First, there were more than 2 of each clean animal on the Ark??? Was this news to anyone else???
But the part that I hadn't got before was the rainbows. Tonight God explained to me why there are rainbows. Not the scientific reason - which I vaguely remember from college, but the real reason. The reason he created them for us. As a reminder of the new covenant he made not to destroy the Earth with the floods again. I don't know about you but I found this comforting and I will never see a rainbow the same way again.
~ Angela
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Day 1
Tonight my mom read us the readings for January 1. They were familiar, and comforting. (Though she did skip over a bit of the listing of names - we decided no one would quiz us on them so we'd be okay!) I was thinking, as she read, that the beginning of Genesis sounded much like poetry in the repetition and the words. It was very beautiful.
As she read I also thought about what it might have been like before God had created anything and it's hard to imagine, if there was just a black hole, an abyss or just nothing at all. Okay, this is too deep:-)
I am excited about our project and I hope more people join us. I am excited to get back into God's words - it's been too long since I've done that with regularity. I need God and I need His guidance in my everyday life. I thought it was very appropriate that we started out with Psalm 1 which basically says that blessed is the person who follows God and he or she will prosper. God is good...All the time!
I love you all ~ Sarah
As she read I also thought about what it might have been like before God had created anything and it's hard to imagine, if there was just a black hole, an abyss or just nothing at all. Okay, this is too deep:-)
I am excited about our project and I hope more people join us. I am excited to get back into God's words - it's been too long since I've done that with regularity. I need God and I need His guidance in my everyday life. I thought it was very appropriate that we started out with Psalm 1 which basically says that blessed is the person who follows God and he or she will prosper. God is good...All the time!
I love you all ~ Sarah
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