Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Plagues

I have been holding off on posting about all this Moses stuff because I thought it might become clear to me but it hasn't. So here goes:

- Why does God harden Pharoh's heart every time he makes Moses and Aaron go talk to him? I know they didn't have a lot of free will back then but it seems as though God was playing a mean trick on the Egyptians, who didn't really get a say in it.

- How did God and Moses have these chats? Was God a voice? Was there a confessional box like the Catholics? Was there a pay phone? Random burning bushes around Egypt? Do you think Moses was hearing God in his head? I mean maybe Moses was just schizophrenic and the Isrealites wandered around for 430 years for no reason? Maybe they really did have a reason to complain?

- This communication thing is really interesting to me, in the old testament, everyone gets to speak directly to God and knows exactly what God wants them to do. But we don't ever know how. It doesn't say he appears to them, they didn't have phones, so how did they talk to him. And how did they know it was him. Did I miss something in Sunday school or does this bother anyone else?

1 comment:

Sarah Knapp said...

I too was very curious about these plagues. My questions centered more around the whole blood on the doors thing. I get that it marked the houses but it was so specific.

Ang - as for the communication questions, I think this is the point in the movie when you just have to suspend your disbelief believe that ET is flying home on a bicycle:-)

- Sarah