Monday, February 4, 2008

Is anybody out there?

It's been pretty quiet on the blog lately - just wondering who's around and still reading...

In today's OT reading I found it interesting that in the first part we are commanded by God to among other things, "not murder." And yet, on the next page we are to "put to death" anyone who "strikes a man, schemes and kills another man deliberately, attacks his father or mother, kidnaps and sells or still has someone, curses his father or mother," etc... Any thoughts?

Hope everyone's doing well - we're already a month down, only eleven more to go!

~ Sarah

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

I lost the sign in info.....

And I am not keeping up. I am sorry. I have been in denial about most of my life lately, and that includes any time spent in scriptures. I am trying to remedy that.

There really isn't any good excuse and I am not trying to make one. I am just overwhelemed most days and not taking the time to do what would help the most.

That is all.