Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Chosen

Ummmm.... I am not sure how to say this so I guess I will just say this. God is acting a bit like Hitler or maybe Hitler acted a little like God? Either way God is doing some serious ethnic cleansing in the latest readings. He is taking out everyone except the Israelites and in some gruesome ways. Sarah said it is because they were worshipping other Gods but the chosen ones kept doing that too and then bad things happened to them and then they would cry out "God help us!" and he would send a prophet to save them.

They didn't even have to ask for forgiveness. They whole thing seems shady to me. I don't get it. I guess I am glad I am I live in a post New Testament world and Jesus has saved me from God's wrath.

I promise I will never compare God and Hitler again.


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