Friday, January 4, 2008

Rainbows and Me

When I first started this "project" of reading the Bible in one year, I was doubtful of my own ability to see it through. I have a tendency to have a short attention span when it comes to almost everything that takes longer than a week to complete. But I am in it for the duration!

The first few readings of Genesis have been difficult for me. I don't know if anyone else is having that problem but I tend to skim over parts of it because of all the names and crazy places and things that don't seem to have anything to do with me. I was thinking earlier, why do we read this really old stuff. It doesn't really pertain to me but then as always God opened my eyes and showed me that it does pertain to me. I was reading about Noah, (a story I have heard dozens of times throughout my life) but it has taken on mew meaning. First, there were more than 2 of each clean animal on the Ark??? Was this news to anyone else???

But the part that I hadn't got before was the rainbows. Tonight God explained to me why there are rainbows. Not the scientific reason - which I vaguely remember from college, but the real reason. The reason he created them for us. As a reminder of the new covenant he made not to destroy the Earth with the floods again. I don't know about you but I found this comforting and I will never see a rainbow the same way again.

~ Angela


MARGRA said...

RAINBOW has long been understood as a bow of PROMISE to symbolize the covenant between God & man.

Our covenant from before the world was is GRACE manifesting in an infinite spectrum of SPIRIT and bleeding thru to human sight as RAINBOW.

Some related ROOT info given in the dictionary

ORIGINS of Middle English :
1)ROOT from Old French, present participle of covenir = ‘agree,’

2)ROOT from Latin convenire = ‘assemble, agree, fit,’

3)ROOT from con- = ‘together’ + venire = ‘come.’

Also in dictionary:
COVENANT OF GRACE: A covenant between God and humanity
that was established by Jesus Christ at the Atonement.

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