Thursday, January 10, 2008

So much detail

So this was day 10 of reading the Bible and even though I was super sleepy tonight (check out my other blog for the lowdown), I cracked it open and read my passages. And I got to wondering. Why so much detail? I mean SO MUCH!

What are we supposed to glean from the amount of money that was paid for a burial site or who is related to who and how? I know it's all for a purpose but I feel a little like when I was studying for the GRE and it came to the math section - it's very hard for me to grasp parts of it. But still, it's interesting. I like the fact that I am reading stories and I get to pick up a little more of the plot each night. I also like the mixing of old testament and new so that I get some of the harsher stuff (i.e., pillar of salt, killing of who groups) and the good stuff (i.e., Jesus healing people).

How's it going for everyone else? I am the only one struggling to read at night when I am ready to bed and wishing I really could get up earlier but have not yet succeeded?

~ Sarah

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

I was struggling last night, too.

'He said I'll pay you. No you won't just take it. No, I will pay you. No just take it." and on and on and on.

I am trying........