Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What we think

So I have figured out how to post but not how to comment. Oh well. Jeff and I were discussing Sarah's questions about Jacob and Herodias.

We believe that when Joseph went to Egypt he adopted their language. When his brothers came to him for help to hide his identity he used the interpreter so they would not put 2 and 2 together and so they would talk freely around him.

As for Herodias, Herod was sleeping with her and she was his brothers wife. John the Baptist told Herod "It is not lawful for you to have her" and Herodias didn't like that so when Herod gave Heordias's daughter anything she asked for after she had danced for Herod her mother " Herodias" told her to ask for John the Baptist's "head on a platter" So Herod was able to get rid of John like he had wanted to because he was upholding a promise. I hope this makes sense.

We are still plugging along. Jacobs story is one of my favorites. I couldn't stop reading. Jeff and Christy told me they had enough and I had to wait until tomorrow to finish. Hope you all are having as good a time as we are.



Anonymous said...

That does clear some things up - Ang seconded your thoughts on the language too. I am enjoying the readings, especially the old testament part which I thought I'd have a hard time with.
Love to you all!

Angela said...

I am glad I came to the same conclusion as you guys did, at least we are all in agreement!